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Question: — When analysing questionable behaviours and responses from spiritual or religious leaders regarding the sexuality of their consultants, mediums, or apprentices, there is a perception of misguided teachings about the supposed ‘revolt against divine dictates’ associated with sexual orientations. Additionally, the idea that a spirit that inhabited a female body for many incarnations, or vice versa, undergoes trials that lead to homosexuality is questionable. In this context, is criticism of homosexuality, sexual orientation, and the trials resulting from these choices outside of heterosexuality justifiable?

Ramatís (Ramaatís)
Ramatís (Ramaatís)

Answer: — Considering that nothing is designed for our harm and that God does not plan harm to the spirit, nor creates scenarios that would complicate human existence, there is no such thing as the so-called “revolt against divine dictates.”

The supposed “need” to take refuge in a sexual polarity in the next life to undergo “punishments” leads to the unequivocal conclusion that the exchange of the anatomical body by the spirit, whether male or female, outside the principle of evolution, is in disagreement with all the laws and concepts of Cosmological Love in the universe created by Sidereal Architecture.

The damages and impacts caused by diseased souls against their brothers of any sexual preferences can result in their return to trials in adverse environments for their learning, where the Law of equity and justice shapes the spirit in earthly experience.

A similar analogy is the spirit of a murderer who returns not with the same weapon that caused harm to his brother, but in environments or communities where his unbalanced experience, outside the principles of justice and peaceful social living, may confront him with the laws of his karma, as planned in the scenarios of imposed risks.

The excesses, escapes, and emotional and psychic pains created by the being and by human society, in each life, are the psychic trigger that generates imbalances in this spirit, in the face of the culture and era to which it is inserted on the planet. Before the Higher morality, homosexuality is not a wilful conduct, but rather a reflection of false human morality. We emphasize, as discussed in another work, that psychologists and scientists around the world have not yet fully defined the reasons for homosexuality.

Many consider it more of a moral issue, derived from excesses of any kind of instinct, uncontrolled desires, and emotions. For us, this fact, in the delicate fabric of the perispirit, results in damage to the psyche and emotions, which are in dissonance with sexual harmony in this spirit, more than a technical, scientific, genetic, endocrine, or social issue.

As we stated before, in our works with Hercílio Maes, who composed the grafts that gave life to the work “Under the Light of Spiritism,” through a Brazilian publisher after his decease. To understand the dramas, it is necessary to understand and explain them in the principles of planetary reincarnation on Earth. Being homosexual does not violate divine laws and is certainly not a mistake by the Creator. Homosexuality can be a test, an expiation, a mission, or a choice of the reincarnating spirit itself.

It is reckless to think that all homosexuals lived with the opposite sex in their past lives; there are exceptions.

The spirit may have been extremely macho or homophobic, and in the reincarnation planning, it intentionally chooses to be born with homosexual tendencies. In these situations, often, the homosexual confronts the non-acceptance of the trial they decided to undergo.

At the same time, the spirit seeks the tendency of homosexuality and becomes a medium or religious person who fulfils their task as a “last-minute worker,” a term coined by the Spirit of Truth about the Parable of the “Workers in the Vineyard” in the “Gospel According to Spiritism” — Chapter 20, item 5, and by Constantino — Protecting Spirit Chapter 20, item 2, about Jesus’ teaching through the apostle Matthew 20:1-16.

Similarly, we observe spirits who perform all the tasks assigned to them in the world with dedication, sacrifice, and love. They become examples of exemplary parents, welcoming children from abandonment in orphanages. With unrestricted love, they educate them and transform them into future world citizens, endowed with character, ethics, and morality superior to many families considered traditional or normal.

This reinforces the idea that what matters is inner reform, regardless of sexual orientation.

In January 2024, the message was conveyed after a rigorous process of proper nourishment and discipline by the medium — MCF — without him being aware of the cleansing of his psyche.

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